I am a public procurement expert with almost 20 years of research and hands-on experience in a variety of regulatory environments . I am also a part-time University Lecturer on industrial organization and market design. am committed to ensuring 'thinking and doing' in procurement coexist under one roof, with my research and civil service practice constantly informing each other


Gian Luigi Albano

Emails: gla@gianluigialbano.com   |  galbano@luiss.it  |  gianluigi.albano@consip.it

Copyright 2020 © Gian Luigi Albano All Right Reserved. Sito Web realizzato da Flazio Experience


On governments, markets and the desperate quest for the answer to what happened to Alice after she stepped through the looking-glass...


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(Some of) The Lessons of Paul Milgrom and “Bob” Wilson to avoid “Bad Buying” and … “Worse Thinking” – Part 1

(Some of) The Lessons of Paul Milgrom and “Bob” Wilson to avoid “Bad Buying” and … “Worse Thinking

2020-10-14 11:56

The 2020 Nobel Laureates for Economics, Paul Milgrom and Robert (“Bob”) Wilson “have studied how auctions work. They have also used their insights to

Data management and Information in public procurement 4.0

Data management and Information in public procurement 4.0

2018-09-25 15:54

The following text is (almost) the transcript of the keynote speech I delivered at the 2018 Global Public Procurement Conference organised by the Interamerican


Books&Ideas: "Atomic Habits" and Kaizen

2024-07-14 12:58

I bumped into “Atomic Habits” half by accident and half some sort of mental correlation with another recently finished book “The Subtle Art of Not Giv

Gas in - Electricity out

2022-12-15 18:41

Gas, electricity and economic fragility

The Alluring Legacy of William Vickrey to Public Procurement (Practitioners)

The Alluring Legacy of William Vickrey to Public Procurement (Practitioners)

2021-01-03 15:13

In 1996, the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences was awarded jointly to James A. Mirrlees and William Vickrey “for their fundamental contributions to th

“Will the next global emergency require

“Will the next global emergency require "virtual" central purchasing bodies?”

2020-07-05 18:54

Psychologists as well as sociologists will pour much ink – whether virtual or liquid – about the impact of social distancing on learning, soft skills

Much noise and a few signals: Will Alice ever learn anything about centralized procurement?

Much noise and a few signals: Will Alice ever learn anything about centralized procurement?

2020-05-30 22:10

Occasionally, the discussion about the pros and the cons of policy makers’ inclination to create new or to further expand the role of already-establis

Gli appalti pubblici tra la Scilla della flessibilità e la Cariddi dell'ipertrofia regolamentare

Gli appalti pubblici tra la Scilla della flessibilità e la Cariddi dell'ipertrofia regolamentare

2018-06-02 16:16

Chiunque abbia maturato un minimo di esperienza negli appalti pubblici in Italia è ben consapevole di quanto le "regole del gioco" siano frutto di un

Start-up post 26 May 2018 (EN)

Start-up post 26 May 2018 (EN)

2018-05-25 22:26

I have been incessantly using the metaphor of Sisyphus in my training sessions on the economic analysis of procurement, and particularly of public pro

Start-up post 26 May 2018 (EN)

2018-05-25 22:26

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Start-up post 26 May 2018 (EN)

I have been incessantly using the metaphor of Sisyphus in my training sessions on the economic analysis of procurement, and particularly of public pro


I have been incessantly using the metaphor of Sisyphus in my training sessions on the economic analysis of procurement, and particularly of public procurement. Albert Camus’ philosophical essay "The Myth of Sisyphus" - to which I am indebted for this blog’s name - maintains that life is "essentially meaningless, although humans continue to try to impose order on existence and to look for answers to unanswerable questions. Camus uses the Greek legend of Sisyphus, who is condemned by the gods for eternity to repeatedly roll a boulder up a hill only to have it roll down again once he got it to the top, as a metaphor for the individual’s persistent struggle against the essential absurdity of life. According to Camus, the first step an individual must take is to accept the fact of this absurdity. If, as for Sisyphus, suicide is not a possible response, the only alternative is to rebel by rejoicing in the act of rolling the boulder up the hill. Camus further argues that with the joyful acceptance of the struggle against defeat, the individual gains definition and identity". (borrowed from Encyclopedia Britannica)

To some extent - albeit not necessarily with the same nihilistic touch - individual civil servants as well as many public organisations working in public procurement may feel the same frustration in carrying out complex tasks under an often (seemingly) meaningless world of rules. I have now shared with them almost 13 years of problems, promised lands and, ultimately, the sheer impression that things get more and more complicated.

Thanks to many colleagues around the world, I have gather a massive amount of frustrations, but also of precious experiences. My humble purpose is to start sharing at least some of them with as a large audience as possible, and, to best of my abilities, to stay away from pointless and outlandish academic  discussions. 

It is a commitment before being a promise!




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