I am a public procurement expert with almost 20 years of research and hands-on experience in a variety of regulatory environments . I am also a part-time University Lecturer on industrial organization and market design. am committed to ensuring 'thinking and doing' in procurement coexist under one roof, with my research and civil service practice constantly informing each other
Gian Luigi Albano
Emails: gla@gianluigialbano.com | galbano@luiss.it | gianluigi.albano@consip.it
Copyright 2020 © Gian Luigi Albano All Right Reserved. Sito Web realizzato da Flazio Experience
I am Head of the Division at Consip, the National Central Purchasing Body in Italy. I am also Adjunct Professor of Economics at LUISS “G. Carli”, Rome, and Research Fellow at the Utrecht University Centre for Public Procurement.
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"My ambition is to thrive in a world where traditional barriers among different professions are progressively vanishing."
I am Head of the Division at Consip, the National Central Purchasing Body in Italy. I am also Adjunct Professor of Economics at LUISS “G. Carli” in Rome where I regularly teach Industrial Organization, Game Theory, and Advanced Public Economics ("Auction and Market Design, Fall 2024)
After getting my Ph.D. in Economics at CORE (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium), I joined the Department of Economics at University College London in 1999, where I taught Microeconomics, Auction Theory and Game Theory.
The passion for auction and market design drew me almost unconsciously to the world of public procurement. In 2005, I joined the new-born Research Unit at Consip in Rome, which I led it until my appointment as Head of Division in 2018. Throughout more than a decade I have leveraged my academic background to contribute designing more sound procurement processes, rooting them into modern economics and thus overcoming the “traditional” perception of sign-off ridden procedures.
A short curriculum vitae will soon be available both in Italian and in English.
I am also regularly involved in capacity building in my own country. Sharing experiences with civil servants of the Italian Public Administration has been an almost daily activities during my appointment as part-time Professor at the National School of Administration in Rome a few years ago. There I nurtured some of the ideas which filtered through my book. Since October 2018 I have been testing my managerial skills as Head of Division at Consip, particularly my abilities to inspire transformation from inside, to reignite motivation and enthusiasm, and, above all, to keep the sense of mission as our “lighthouse”. It is all happening…
Public procurement design has been the leitmotiv of many advisory projects undertaken for the European Commission, the Inter-American Development Bank, the OECD, the OSCE, the World bank and the United Nations (UNDESA and UNOPS). I am particularly proud to have been appointed lead expert by the OECD for the peer reviews of the US federal procurement system in 2010 and of three main state-owned companied in Mexico in 2011. In 2014, the Inter-American Development Bank invited me to deliver a series of seminars in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Perú on how to reduce the risk of anticompetitive practices in public procurement. In 2015, I carried out, on behalf of the World Bank, the first review of the centralized procurement system at the federal level in the Republic of Ethiopia.
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