I am a public procurement expert with almost 20 years of research and hands-on experience in a variety of regulatory environments . I am also a part-time University Lecturer on industrial organization and market design. am committed to ensuring 'thinking and doing' in procurement coexist under one roof, with my research and civil service practice constantly informing each other
Gian Luigi Albano
Emails: gla@gianluigialbano.com | galbano@luiss.it | gianluigi.albano@consip.it
Copyright 2020 © Gian Luigi Albano All Right Reserved. Sito Web realizzato da Flazio Experience
On governments, markets and the desperate quest for the answer to what happened to Alice after she stepped through the looking-glass...
My Book
My story and projects
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(Some of) The Lessons of Paul Milgrom and “Bob” Wilson to avoid “Bad Buying” and … “Worse Thinking
2020-10-14 12:56
2020-10-14 12:56
Data management and Information in public procurement 4.0
2018-09-25 16:54
2018-09-25 16:54
Books&Ideas: "Atomic Habits" and Kaizen
2024-07-14 13:58
2024-07-14 13:58
Gas in - Electricity out
2022-12-15 19:41
2022-12-15 19:41
The Alluring Legacy of William Vickrey to Public Procurement (Practitioners)
2021-01-03 16:13
2021-01-03 16:13
“Will the next global emergency require "virtual" central purchasing bodies?”
2020-07-05 19:54
2020-07-05 19:54
Much noise and a few signals: Will Alice ever learn anything about centralized procurement?
2020-05-30 23:10
2020-05-30 23:10
Gli appalti pubblici tra la Scilla della flessibilità e la Cariddi dell'ipertrofia regolamentare
2018-06-02 17:16
2018-06-02 17:16
Start-up post 26 May 2018 (EN)
2018-05-25 23:26
2018-05-25 23:26
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